The MISSION of the Order Sons of Italy in America®
dba Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America (OSDIA)
Established in 1905 as a mutual aid society for the early Italian immigrants, today OSDIA is the oldest and largest fraternal society in North America for men and women of Italian decent and has a network of more than 400 Lodges (or chapters) coast to coast, making it the leading service and advocacy organization for the nation's estimated 26 million people of Italian descent.
The organization's missions include encouraging the study of Italian language and culture in American schools and universities; preserving Italian American traditions, culture, history and heritage; and promoting closer cultural relations between the United States and Italy.
The Sons of Italy Foundation, established by OSIA, is a private, non-profit IRS 501(c)(3) charitable and philanthropic institution that has contributed hundreds of millions of dollars for scholarships, medical research, cultural preservation, veteran’s causes, and disaster relief.
The CREED of the Order Sons of Italy in America®
dba Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America (OSDIA)
We Believe in the Government of the United States of America as the Government of the people, by the people, and for the people and promise to obey and uphold its Constitution and Laws.
We Believe in the Government by orderly process and reject any doctrine that tends to subvert constituted government and authority.
We Believe in filial affection and respect for the Land of our Forefathers whose heritage is our highest contribution to America's progress.
We Believe in the brotherhood of man and promise to assist our fellow members, to care for the orphans, to extend our helping hand to the widows and to comfort those in distress.
We Believe in equal rights and duties for all; in equality of opportunity in the enjoyment of the benefits of human association extended to all without discrimination.
We Believe in freedom of thought, conscience and education and stand for individual liberty in the performance of duties and in the exercise of rights under the Constitution and laws of our Country and State.
We Believe in the future progress and expansion of the Order Sons of Italy in America® as the beneficial agent of all Americans of Italian birth or descent for their recognition and welfare, and promise to contribute to the moral, intellectual and material progress of our fellow members, and to support the program of the Order and all its activities for the welfare of our Country, our Order and the Community in which we live.
The PRINCIPLES of the Order Sons of Italy in America®
dba Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America (OSDIA)
Our Order is based on the principles of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. The order intends to unite in one organization all those of Italian birth, their spoiuses and descendants having the requisites stated in the bylaws. The Order respects the religious and political opinions of its members but requires that they do not profess any doctrines tending to disrupt the existing social order by unlawful means.